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There are a variety of toilet systems available to the river runner.  After trying these and testing a couple of our own, we see no reason to pay $500 - $1000 for something fancy that isn’t compatible with any other system.  Rocket boxes work just fine.  Our system has been used by private, commercial and research trips for many years with excellent results.  PRO’s color-coded bucket system (white buckets are for clean water, gray buckets are for trash and dirty water and the yellow bucket is for pee) will help make your life easier.  Think “Clean” when settling up, using, or breaking down the toilet.  It’s essential to establish a group routine for hygiene at your first camp.  Hand soap and disposable gloves are valuable items for operating a sanitary system.

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Porto Pot Unit

The PRO Porto “UNIT” is a 20 mm box with a blue lid, containing a toilet seat, riser, and handwash system.  Also, included are some of the porto supplies: toilet paper, dry powdered Clorox II, hand soap, scrubbing bubble wipes, and disposable gloves (unless you have opted to supply your own porto supplies). 


Fill Cans

In addition, your trip will have several beige Fill Cans.  Each Fill Can holds 50 “deposits.”  These are used to store non food items such as toilet paper and charcoal – except for the box you’ll be using first.


This set-up is a slight variation of the “old” 20mm box technique.  You no longer poop into trash bags – you go straight in the box.  Because it has to be processed at a sewage treatment plant, you can't  combine trash with the feces.  Keep a general trash container near your toilet for cardboard tubes, toilet paper wrappers, sanitary pads, etc.  Nothing goes in the porto fill can except feces, toilet paper, Clorox II and flushable tampons.


​The ”Riser”

A rectangular piece of welded aluminum designed to raise the toilet seat about four inches above the fill can – for maximum packing capacity.  In addition to renting toilets, PRO sells powder-coated risers $120.00 and toilets seats mounted on a plate to fit a 20mm are also available for $120.00 (plus tax of course).


​​Set Up

A two-person team is needed for set-up and breakdown.  Carry the Porto Pot Unit and Fill Can to a private spot.  Open the Fill Can, sprinkle a little Clorox II in the bottom, and place the toilet seat on top.  Keep the toilet lid shut, except when in use.  Do not line it with a trash bag.  Cover the unit with the fly net to keep flies away.  Keep your toilet paper in a plastic bag in case of rain and tuck it under a rock in case of wind.  When the can starts getting full – especially your first can – use the riser in order to the can to maximum capacity.  Set the "Pee" bucket (yellow) next to the Poop can.


Location markers for the toilet should be set up with some agreement among the group as to what means “in use” vs. “available”.  A throwable cushion works fine as a “key” – take it with you to “lock” the toilet door.


Handwash System

  • Bring a white bucket half full of fresh river water and an empty gray bucket for the receiving end.

  • Place the clamp on the “spout” end of the handwash system on the empty gray bucket and place the “intake end in the white bucket of river water.

  • Pump the water through the tube with your foot.​


Grab the “key” and bring it with you, so it is clear to others that the toilet is in use.  Pee in the bucket or in the river (urine takes up valuable porto can space) and do your business in the can with the toilet seat.  Sprinkle a tablespoon (or less) of Clorox II on top of your deposit, close the lid, secure the toilet paper, and return the “key” to its “porto available” location.  Wash your hands with plenty of soap!  If the toilet is running low on paper or powder, you can do the next person a great favor by restocking the supplies.


Please Remember:

Nothing But Solid Waste, Toilet Paper, Clorox II and Flushable Tampons In The Fill Cans!!!



Break Down

The last thing you pack up when you break camp is the toilet.  Give a resounding “Last Call” to be sure no one is still waiting for a turn.  Remove the seat assembly and put the lid on the Fill Can.  Wash the seat and riser and pack it with the supplies in the Unit Box.  Carry the box containing the poop upright and level to avoid "fouling" the lid.  The Fill Can will get heavy and may require two people to carry it.  As additional Fill Cans are required, you’ll need to consolidate the remaining charcoal and toilet paper to free up the next can for use.  To wash your hands after breaking down, put a dab of soap on the back of your hand, and use it to wash up after you’ve put the toilet and fill cans away on the boat.  The disposable glove, if used, goes in the general trash.


The Day Potty

Inside the 50-cal ammo can labeled “day potty”, you will find some paper bags, toilet paper, Clorox II and soap.  Pee in the river and then take the box to a private spot.  Tear one paper bag to open flat and create a “nest” with toilet paper.  Make your “deposit” on the nest, then roll up your deposit and place it inside a second paper bag.  DO NOT put your deposit in the day use can.  Carry it in one hand, and the can in the other, back to the boat that carries the toilet.  The boatman will point out the location of the big beige Fill Can that is currently in use.  Drop your bag in there and put it away, then wash your hands.  The Day Potty returns, pristine, to its location on the deck – ready for the next daytime emergency.  The day potty is meant to be used a few times – total – on the trip if it is needed more often set up the porto!


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